Wheelhouse Seafoods and Specialty Meats
So excited to introduce Wheelhouse Seafoods and Specialty Meats as a new vendor. Here is a little bio on folks behind the table at the market this summer.
“Our names are Trevor and Catherine Yamamoto and we are a seafood company specializing in local, in season, sustainable seafood. Trevor comes from a family of fishermen and cannery workers from the Japanese Steveston community, and Catherine (the daughter of a sailor) has a restaurant background.
We love to create delicious and original seafood delicacies inc. our crab cakes, prawn & scallop cakes, wild salmon burgers and seafood pasta.
We both feel very connected to the sea and want to carry on the traditions of those who have always lived by and cared for the sea.”
Social Media addresses:
Facebook: Wheelhouse Seafoods and Specialty Meats
Instagram: Instagram.com/Wheelhouse2605